Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Evangelical Climate Initiative

Over 80 pastors have signed an Evangelical Climate Initiative, as has already been noted in a variety of places: ABC news, CNN, The New York Times and others. This issue highlights some of the diversity within the evangelical church.

The Evangelical Climate Initiative website notes:

The same love for God and neighbor that compels us to preach salvation through Jesus Christ, protect the unborn, preserve the family and the sanctity of marriage, and take the whole Gospel to a hurting world, also compels us to recognize that human-induced climate change is a serious Christian issue requiring action now.
Recent polls show that many evangelicals support action for global warming (cited from the blog Stones Cry Out):

And now details from a new poll of evangelical Christians seem to strengthen the call made the group of 86 evangelical leaders for action to reduce global warming.
In the poll, conducted by Ellison Research—-which frequently surveys church leaders—-70 percent of evangelicals said they believed global warming will pose a serious threat to future generations. Sixty-three percent of evangelicals believed that although global warming may be a long-term problem, since it is being caused today, the nation must start addressing it immediately.
But not all Christian leaders – or followers – support the movement. Several prominent leaders didn't sign the initiative, and some pro-life organizations are questioning the funding:

”Global warming is a controversial issue in itself, but the real problem comes with the so-called solutions, such as population control and reducing access to technology that will lift people out of poverty,” said Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America. “Hewlett Foundation is one of the most prodigious and unabashed funders of abortion causes, with much money going to make abortion acceptable. Its significant grant for this initiative, along with the controversial Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, reveals where this effort could lead. They would not fund something that contradicts their main missions.”


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