RELEVANT magazine was launched in 2003 by Cameron Strang, a then 27-year old. Cameron's father, Stephen Strang, founded Charisma magazine, ministries, and publishing house. And now his son is following in his footsteps. The RELEVANT empire includes: RELEVANT Books, the RELEVANT Network (resources for pastors), RELEVANT Apparel, RELEVANT Solutions (a creative firm), and RELEVANT TV. Here’s a little about Relevant in their own words:Relevant's tagline is: God. Life. Progressive Culture. We target culture savvy twentysomethings who are looking for purpose, depth and spiritual truth. We speak to an audience of independent thinkers, ones who were raised on pop culture and who are hungry for God but don't embrace dead religion. Our purpose is to challenge Christians to a deeper spiritual walk and a larger worldview.The website and magazine have stories on Moby and Sufjan Stevens, a directory of churches, articles on how to deal with life (including marriage, the loss of a child, your career), help with your finances, book reviews, original poetry, prayer requests, etc.
A recent article of interest on the website was about fair trade: “We need to begin making a conscious effort to buy our food in a way that does not oppress others."
Another interesting comment was published in article from USA Today in 2004: "While evangelical leaders, including his father, call for a ban on gay marriage, Strang says RELEVANT "upholds the same moral standard but questions whether we need the government to enforce our beliefs, our religion, on people who don't adhere to the same faith.""
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