Thursday, December 29, 2005


Mainstream culture has a pretty clear picture of evangelical Christians: they hate gays, science, stem cells and women who have had abortions -- and that's about it. But is that picture true?

I am a Christian and have spent time in countless evangelical churches around the country, including plenty deep in the heart of those reddest red states. I've been on missions to other countries with groups of extremely devoted evangelicals. And yet, in services, I've almost never heard any mention of those things evangelicals are supposed to be obsessed with hating. Only once, I think, I heard a sermon vaguely allude to gay marriage.

What I do see almost every time I attend church or talk with evangelicals is something different: People focused on love-- humble, confident people struggling to raise their children well, to help those in need, to make themselves kinder, better people and to really and truly make the world a better place. The non-religious progressives I know want the same things. However, communication between these two groups is pretty much impossible because of misperceptions on both sides.

My plan for this blog: help the rest of the world understand where evangelical Christians are coming from by providing a window into this dynamic and incredibly diverse culture. Every week I'll post words from evangelical Christians. Sometimes they may counter stereotypes.
Sometimes they probably won't. But the fact is: we have a lot to gain by having a better understanding of each other. And we have a lot to lose if we don't. So what do evangelical Christians care about most? I think we should ask them.


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