Seasons of Life
Seasons of Life is a movement based around the former NFL star Joe Erhmann. After his football career, Erhmann, the author of Seasons of Life: A Football Star, a Boy, a Journey to Manhood co-founded a Ronald McDonald House, became a minister and started coaching highschool football. This ESPN story tells how Erhman runs the team. The rules: no trash talk, you have to care about the other members of your team, you need to act responsibly. He believes that a man has to have the capacity to love; and that individuals need to learn how to set aside their own goals for the greater good.On his website, you can be forgiven for thinking you're reading postmodern feminism instead of Christian activism:
Critique the cultural ideology and social constructs that individually and systemically define masculinity and manhood.
Examine, exegete and expose the media, marketing, messages, and modeling of false masculinity in America....
Embrace the pain and problems of men and boys which result from our cultural paradigm of masculinity. Connect personal stories and problems with social, systemic, and cultural realities.
He's touring the country now, learn more here.
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