Wednesday, June 21, 2006


So what are Christian hipsters doing this summer?

Fishnet '06 in Front Royal, VA, has a solid lineup of Christian artists. The four-day outdoor festival is in its 32nd year.

The Christian Youth Leadership Conference is designed to help youth "discover, develop and use their God-given leadership qualities to the glory of Christ and the good of those with whom they come in contact."

Flickerings is a film festival associated with another large music fesitval, Cornerstone, both held in Illinois.

Organizations like Adventures in Missions offer mission trips; the Focus on the Family Institute "nurtures passionate and persuasive leaders who are committed to Jesus Christ, equipping them to promote healthy families, vibrant churches and a civil society"; and camps like Kanakuk offer a variety of job opportunities.

Secular liberal readers might assume these are indoctrination programs set up for the purpose of training anti-abortion fanatics, but in my own experience as a young Christian these programs are mostly filled with idealistic, good-hearted, caring, positive-thinking activists.


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